
131 Creative Sharer System



A new era has come, a new method is needed.
Why work hard alone, when we can work easier together?
Why struggle with marketing, when marketing can be achieved through our networking?
Turn the challenges of money making into creating a life worth living.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,
“the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”,
China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone,
created the 131 Creative Sharer System,
making the sharing of the fruits of life and economic success a reality.

The 131 Creative Sharer System originates from the cutting-edge marketing philosophy based in China.  The leading mobile-Internet-based marketing management system,
the 131 Creative Sharer System is perfectly infused with WeChat,
and only takes a mobile phone for you to start your business
and expand it globally.

No more hefty inventories,
no more costly agency fees;
No more barriers to starting your business,
no more packages to deliver.
This is the secret of 131 Creative Sharer,,
Sharing is creating value,
All comes from sharing,
All comes from trusting.

The 131 Creative Sharer System has a perfect, transparent distribution system
that directly binds the interests of merchants and customers together. 
One tap is all it takes to make everybody be everybody’s distributor,
resulting in endless levels of distributors,
not limited by time or region.

All you need to do is install WeChat,
Share it with your friends,
and you’ll earn commissions whenever your friends make a purchase. 
If they wish, they can even tap “I want to be a distributor” and be part of our distribution network.  Any purchases made through a distributor network will entitle the distributors commission from HQ. 
Inventory and prices are managed by HQ and are always in sync. 
HQ also manages administration, deliveries, and consumer rights.

As long as install WeChat and use 131 Creative Sharer ,
consumers of your products can also start their own sub distributor store, becoming 2nd Tier, 3rd Tier, 4th Tier, Nth Tier distributors, helping your products reach the furthest corners of the world.

Sales volume is not an issue
as the 131 Creative Sharer has a carefully devised mechanism of endless distribution and three-layered commission structure. 
The benefits to be distributed at the different tiers will be devised by HQ based on its own operational needs.
With the support of our established HQ, cash flow, information flow, logistics, order updates, sales statistics, and the uniformed administration of merchandise, transaction, membership, distributor, settlement etc. are well taken care of. 

The 131 Creative Sharer has prepared countless distributing platforms for you,
to enable your products to continue reaching out,
and your distribution network to continue growing.

We hereby present to you the 131 Creative Sharer partnership plan.
If you agree with the incredible power of WeChat,
If you want to own the most advanced marketing wisdom and system,
If you have faith in your products or programs,
You can join us.
The 131 Creative Sharer has a HQ that boasts the structure of large corporate groups.
All you need to consider is “Which tier should I start from?”

WeChat will invest profusely in the Malaysian market this year.
Let us embrace the rapid growth of China,
to welcome the globalization of the RMB,
and to share the benefits of “the Belt and Road”.

The Internet may not change the face of the world,
But the 131 Creative Sharer can change the way you look at the world.



全国服务咨询热线:( 24 hours)

核心业务:原创系列动画   飞碟说动画   企业宣传片   婚庆动画   课件动画   工程演示动画


南京动画制作-木偶动画是一家专业从事动画制作的公司,有8年的动画实战经验,先后制作过 上海世博会《海宝来了》60多集,《小神龙俱乐部》,青奥会项目,军队等动画项 目,公司尤其擅长动画短片制作和创作,创作的短片多次获得比赛的一等奖。公司 有完善的动画制作团队,例如背景部,动作部,后期部,验收部,公司的客服都是 公司专业的技术人员,这样减少不必要的沟通障碍

苏公网安备 32011302320162号

Keywords: 动画制作 南京动画制作 南京动画制作 空气源热泵 梦江南茶业 名思教研 石家庄播音培训 邹城开锁公司电话 汽车防盗解码 验厂咨询辅导 广州3D打印 宁夏保温 电影天堂 扬州婚纱摄影哪家好 labview培训 阳新婚庆 厦门汽车配件 拉萨市监控 礼品卡册 杭州3D打印 深圳市蚂蚁搬家公司 汇业律师事务所 辽宁理工学院 青岛东和 广州oracle 上海离婚律师 北京代理记账 微信qq营销软件推广 长沙VI设计公司 合肥出口退税 上海体检代检 惠州LED显示屏 长春婚庆 南京商标注册 珠海别墅装修 北京工商注册 西藏婚纱摄影 上海宝宝百日宴策划